Monday, February 6, 2012

Short list #2

The Cool Hunter: Basically this site hunts down anything considered to be cool.  I have only checked out the architecture page so far, and have stumbled upon inverted warehouse houses that have a modern twist and make them extremely homey.  Many pictures and descriptions are displayed for easy and interesting browsing.

Crooked Brains: Crooked Brains is a weird site that displays "really cool art" in their opinion, and I would have to agree.  You will come across yellow streets, bright blue buildings, abstract paintings, and more.

Craziest Gadgets: Today's craziest gadget is color changing mood lipstick.  Many people have heard of or even owned a mood ring, but lipstick?  How is it possible that the color of it changes according to your mood? I'm not exactly sure, but scientists sure are inventing crazy gadgets.


  1. Cooked Brains in my opinion is by far the best site to explore and use to make your inferences. I think that with these peoples' ideas of "cool things," you will be able to infer and comment on society and the crazy minds that create these masterpieces.

  2. I really like your Crooked Brains idea, I think even if you just focused on that picture of the umbrellas hanging would be worth a submission. The title could be "its raining umbrellas." Oh, the irony.

  3. I like the cooked brains submission, you could talk about the vibrant colors and they make the street look still and confined, roofed in by color, and contrasting with the old monochrome(i hope thats the right word?) buildings
