Do you remember that awful feeling you get when you hear about amber alerts and kidnappings? The sick and twisted person who tortures someone for their pleasure should be permanently in a straight jacket for the rest of their lives. The impact that they put on the victim, but also the family and community is huge. All the love and care for the poor victim poors out and search groups spill out all over. In Deadly Little Secret, sadly Camilia has to be the victim.
Camilia fights as hard as she can to scream and beat at the wall to escape the enclosed area she is trapped to while her ex-boyfriend (the sick and twisted kidnapper/stalker) pretends to be innocent while at school. However, no matter how hard she screamed she was in the middle of a torn up trailer park. Luckily, the boy who had the prescience of the kidnapping ever since he laid eyes on Camilia could sense where she was and saved her.
In real life, things don't happen like that. People go missing for years and families and communities come together and never forget about the loved one. It is so sad and heart breaking that stories like this happen in real life. I wish, though, that in real life people could sense the future and figure out hiding places of the kidnappers. Truly, I wish life was fair and that there was no corrupt people in the world. It's simple; world peace would solve everything.
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